

本文使用的Istio源码是 release 1.5。



[root@localhost ~]# kubectl exec -it details-v1-6c9f8bcbcb-shltm -c istio-proxy -- ps -efww
UID         PID   PPID  C STIME TTY          TIME CMD

istio-p+      1      0  0 08:52 ?        00:00:13 /usr/local/bin/pilot-agent proxy sidecar --domain default.svc.cluster.local --configPath /etc/istio/proxy --binaryPath /usr/local/bin/envoy --serviceCluster details.default --drainDuration 45s --parentShutdownDuration 1m0s --discoveryAddress istiod.istio-system.svc:15012 --zipkinAddress zipkin.istio-system:9411 --proxyLogLevel=warning --proxyComponentLogLevel=misc:error --connectTimeout 10s --proxyAdminPort 15000 --concurrency 2 --controlPlaneAuthPolicy NONE --dnsRefreshRate 300s --statusPort 15020 --trust-domain=cluster.local --controlPlaneBootstrap=false

istio-p+     18      1  0 08:52 ?        00:01:11 /usr/local/bin/envoy -c /etc/istio/proxy/envoy-rev0.json --restart-epoch 0 --drain-time-s 45 --parent-shutdown-time-s 60 --service-cluster details.default --service-node sidecar~ --max-obj-name-len 189 --local-address-ip-version v4 --log-format [Envoy (Epoch 0)] [%Y-%m-%d %T.%e][%t][%l][%n] %v -l warning --component-log-level misc:error --concurrency 2


  • 生成Envoy的Bootstrap配置文件;
  • 健康检查;
  • 监视证书的变化,通知Envoy进程热重启,实现证书的热加载;
  • 提供Envoy守护功能,当Envoy异常退出的时候重启Envoy;
  • 通知Envoy优雅退出;


    proxyCmd = &cobra.Command{
        Use:   "proxy",
        Short: "Envoy proxy agent",
        FParseErrWhitelist: cobra.FParseErrWhitelist{ 
            UnknownFlags: true,
        RunE: func(c *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
            // 用于设置默认配置文件的默认配置相关参数
            proxyConfig := mesh.DefaultProxyConfig()

            // set all flags
            proxyConfig.CustomConfigFile = customConfigFile
            proxyConfig.ProxyBootstrapTemplatePath = templateFile
            proxyConfig.ConfigPath = configPath
            proxyConfig.BinaryPath = binaryPath
            proxyConfig.ServiceCluster = serviceCluster
            proxyConfig.DrainDuration = types.DurationProto(drainDuration)
            proxyConfig.ParentShutdownDuration = types.DurationProto(parentShutdownDuration)
            proxyConfig.DiscoveryAddress = discoveryAddress
            proxyConfig.ConnectTimeout = types.DurationProto(connectTimeout)
            proxyConfig.StatsdUdpAddress = statsdUDPAddress
            ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background()) 
            // 启动 status server
            if statusPort > 0 {
                localHostAddr := localHostIPv4
                if proxyIPv6 {
                    localHostAddr = localHostIPv6
                prober := kubeAppProberNameVar.Get()
                statusServer, err := status.NewServer(status.Config{
                    LocalHostAddr:  localHostAddr,
                    AdminPort:      proxyAdminPort,
                    //通过参数--statusPort 15020设置
                    StatusPort:     statusPort,
                    KubeAppProbers: prober,
                    NodeType:       role.Type,
                if err != nil {
                    return err
                go waitForCompletion(ctx, statusServer.Run)
            envoyProxy := envoy.NewProxy(envoy.ProxyConfig{
                Config:              proxyConfig,
                Node:                role.ServiceNode(),
                LogLevel:            proxyLogLevel,
                ComponentLogLevel:   proxyComponentLogLevel,
                PilotSubjectAltName: pilotSAN,
                MixerSubjectAltName: mixerSAN,
                NodeIPs:             role.IPAddresses,
                DNSRefreshRate:      dnsRefreshRate,
                PodName:             podName,
                PodNamespace:        podNamespace,
                PodIP:               podIP,
                SDSUDSPath:          sdsUDSPath,
                SDSTokenPath:        sdsTokenPath,
                STSPort:             stsPort,
                ControlPlaneAuth:    controlPlaneAuthEnabled,
                DisableReportCalls:  disableInternalTelemetry,
                OutlierLogPath:      outlierLogPath,
                PilotCertProvider:   pilotCertProvider,
            agent := envoy.NewAgent(envoyProxy, features.TerminationDrainDuration())

            if nodeAgentSDSEnabled {
                tlsCertsToWatch = []string{}
            watcher := envoy.NewWatcher(tlsCertsToWatch, agent.Restart)
            //启动 watcher
            go watcher.Run(ctx)

            // 优雅退出
            go cmd.WaitSignalFunc(cancel)
            //启动 agent
            return agent.Run(ctx)


  1. 用于设置默认配置文件的默认配置相关参数;
  2. 启动 status server进行健康检测;
  3. 构造Proxy实例,包括配置,启动参数,并构造构造agent实例;
  4. 构造watcher实例,并启动;
  5. 开启线程监听信号,进行优雅退出;
  6. 启动 agent;


kubectl exec -it details-v1-6c9f8bcbcb-shltm -c istio-proxy -- /usr/local/bin/pilot-agent proxy --help
Envoy proxy agent

    pilot-agent proxy [flags]

        --binaryPath string                 Path to the proxy binary (default "/usr/local/bin/envoy")
        --concurrency int                   number of worker threads to run
        --configPath string                 Path to the generated configuration file directory (default "/etc/istio/proxy")
        --connectTimeout duration           Connection timeout used by Envoy for supporting services (default 1s)
        --controlPlaneAuthPolicy string     Control Plane Authentication Policy (default "NONE")
        --controlPlaneBootstrap             Process bootstrap provided via templateFile to be used by control plane components. (default true)
        --customConfigFile string           Path to the custom configuration file
        --datadogAgentAddress string        Address of the Datadog Agent
        --disableInternalTelemetry          Disable internal telemetry
        --discoveryAddress string           Address of the discovery service exposing xDS (e.g. istio-pilot:8080) (default "istio-pilot:15010")
        --dnsRefreshRate string             The dns_refresh_rate for bootstrap STRICT_DNS clusters (default "300s")
        --domain string                     DNS domain suffix. If not provided uses ${POD_NAMESPACE}.svc.cluster.local
        --drainDuration duration            The time in seconds that Envoy will drain connections during a hot restart (default 45s)
        --envoyAccessLogService string      Settings of an Envoy gRPC Access Log Service API implementation
        --envoyMetricsService string        Settings of an Envoy gRPC Metrics Service API implementation
    -h, --help                              help for proxy
        --id string                         Proxy unique ID. If not provided uses ${POD_NAME}.${POD_NAMESPACE} from environment variables
        --ip string                         Proxy IP address. If not provided uses ${INSTANCE_IP} environment variable.
        --lightstepAccessToken string       Access Token for LightStep Satellite pool
        --lightstepAddress string           Address of the LightStep Satellite pool
        --lightstepCacertPath string        Path to the trusted cacert used to authenticate the pool
        --lightstepSecure                   Should connection to the LightStep Satellite pool be secure
        --mixerIdentity string              The identity used as the suffix for mixer's spiffe SAN. This would only be used by pilot all other proxy would get this value from pilot
        --outlierLogPath string             The log path for outlier detection
        --parentShutdownDuration duration   The time in seconds that Envoy will wait before shutting down the parent process during a hot restart (default 1m0s)
        --pilotIdentity string              The identity used as the suffix for pilot's spiffe SAN
        --proxyAdminPort uint16             Port on which Envoy should listen for administrative commands (default 15000)
        --proxyComponentLogLevel string     The component log level used to start the Envoy proxy (default "misc:error")
        --proxyLogLevel string              The log level used to start the Envoy proxy (choose from {trace, debug, info, warning, error, critical, off}) (default "warning")
        --serviceCluster string             Service cluster (default "istio-proxy")
        --serviceregistry string            Select the platform for service registry, options are {Kubernetes, Consul, Mock} (default "Kubernetes")
        --statsdUdpAddress string           IP Address and Port of a statsd UDP listener (e.g.
        --statusPort uint16                 HTTP Port on which to serve pilot agent status. If zero, agent status will not be provided.
        --stsPort int                       HTTP Port on which to serve Security Token Service (STS). If zero, STS service will not be provided.
        --templateFile string               Go template bootstrap config
        --tokenManagerPlugin string         Token provider specific plugin name. (default "GoogleTokenExchange")
        --trust-domain string               The domain to use for identities
        --zipkinAddress string              Address of the Zipkin service (e.g. zipkin:9411)


func DefaultProxyConfig() meshconfig.ProxyConfig {
    return meshconfig.ProxyConfig{
        ConfigPath:             constants.ConfigPathDir,
        BinaryPath:             constants.BinaryPathFilename,
        ServiceCluster:         constants.ServiceClusterName,
        DrainDuration:          types.DurationProto(45 * time.Second),
        ParentShutdownDuration: types.DurationProto(60 * time.Second),
        DiscoveryAddress:       constants.DiscoveryPlainAddress,
        ConnectTimeout:         types.DurationProto(1 * time.Second),
        StatsdUdpAddress:       "",
        EnvoyMetricsService:    &meshconfig.RemoteService{Address: ""},
        EnvoyAccessLogService:  &meshconfig.RemoteService{Address: ""},
        ProxyAdminPort:         15000,
        ControlPlaneAuthPolicy: meshconfig.AuthenticationPolicy_NONE,
        CustomConfigFile:       "",
        Concurrency:            0,
        StatNameLength:         189,
        Tracing:                nil,


  • ConfigPath:/etc/istio/proxy
  • BinaryPath:/usr/local/bin/envoy
  • ServiceCluster:istio-proxy
  • DrainDuration:45s
  • ParentShutdownDuration:60s
  • DiscoveryAddress:istio-pilot:15010
  • ConnectTimeout:1s
  • StatsdUdpAddress:""
  • EnvoyMetricsService:meshconfig.RemoteService
  • EnvoyAccessLogService:meshconfig.RemoteService
  • ProxyAdminPort:15000
  • ControlPlaneAuthPolicy:0
  • CustomConfigFile:""
  • Concurrency:0
  • StatNameLength:189
  • Tracing:nil

status server健康检查

初始化status server:

func NewServer(config Config) (*Server, error) {
    s := &Server{
        statusPort: config.StatusPort,
        ready: &ready.Probe{
            LocalHostAddr: config.LocalHostAddr,
            AdminPort:     config.AdminPort,
            NodeType:      config.NodeType,
    return s, nil

初始化完成之后会开启一个线程调用statusServer的 Run方法:

go waitForCompletion(ctx, statusServer.Run)

func (s *Server) Run(ctx context.Context) {
    log.Infof("Opening status port %d\n", s.statusPort)

    mux := http.NewServeMux()

    // Add the handler for ready probes.
    // 初始化探针的回调处理器
    // /healthz/ready
    mux.HandleFunc(readyPath, s.handleReadyProbe)
    mux.HandleFunc(quitPath, s.handleQuit)
    mux.HandleFunc("/app-health/", s.handleAppProbe)
    //端口通过参数--statusPort 15020设置
    l, err := net.Listen("tcp", fmt.Sprintf(":%d", s.statusPort))
    if err != nil {
        log.Errorf("Error listening on status port: %v", err.Error())
    defer l.Close()
    go func() {
        if err := http.Serve(l, mux); err != nil {

    log.Info("Status server has successfully terminated")

Run方法会开启一个线程并监听15020端口,调用路径为 /healthz/ready,并通过调用handleReadyProbe处理器来调用Envoy的15000端口判断Envoy是否已经 ready 接受相对应的流量。调用过程如下:

Group 7



func NewAgent(proxy Proxy, terminationDrainDuration time.Duration) Agent {
    return &agent{
        proxy:                    proxy,
        //用于管理启动 Envoy 后的状态通道,用于监视 Envoy 进程的状态
        statusCh:                 make(chan exitStatus),
        //活跃的Epoch 集合
        activeEpochs:             map[int]chan error{},
        terminationDrainDuration: terminationDrainDuration,
        currentEpoch:             -1,


watcher := envoy.NewWatcher(tlsCertsToWatch, agent.Restart)

type watcher struct {
    certs   []string
    //envoy 重启函数
    updates func(interface{})

func NewWatcher(certs []string, updates func(interface{})) Watcher {
    return &watcher{
        certs:   certs,
        updates: updates,

watcher里面总共就两个参数certs是监听的证书列表,updates是envoy 重启函数,如果证书文件发生变化则调用updates来reload envoy。


go watcher.Run(ctx)

func (w *watcher) Run(ctx context.Context) { 

    go watchCerts(ctx, w.certs, watchFileEvents, defaultMinDelay, w.SendConfig)

    log.Info("Watcher has successfully terminated")


func (w *watcher) SendConfig() {
    h := sha256.New()
    generateCertHash(h, w.certs)


func (a *agent) Restart(config interface{}) { 
    defer a.restartMutex.Unlock()

    if reflect.DeepEqual(a.currentConfig, config) {
        // Same configuration - nothing to do.
    hasActiveEpoch := len(a.activeEpochs) > 0
    activeEpoch := a.currentEpoch

    epoch := a.currentEpoch + 1
    log.Infof("Received new config, creating new Envoy epoch %d", epoch)
    a.currentEpoch = epoch
    a.currentConfig = config

    // 用来做做主动退出
    abortCh := make(chan error, 1)
    // 设置当前活跃Epoch的abortCh管道,用于优雅关闭
    a.activeEpochs[a.currentEpoch] = abortCh


    if hasActiveEpoch {
    go a.runWait(config, epoch, abortCh)


func (a *agent) runWait(config interface{}, epoch int, abortCh <-chan error) {
    log.Infof("Epoch %d starting", epoch)
    err := a.proxy.Run(config, epoch, abortCh)
    //删除当前 epoch 对应的配置文件
    a.statusCh <- exitStatus{epoch: epoch, err: err}


Group 8


func (e *envoy) Run(config interface{}, epoch int, abort <-chan error) error {
    var fname string
    if len(e.Config.CustomConfigFile) > 0 { 
        fname = e.Config.CustomConfigFile
    } else {
        out, err := bootstrap.New(bootstrap.Config{
            Node:                e.Node,
            DNSRefreshRate:      e.DNSRefreshRate,
            Proxy:               &e.Config,
            PilotSubjectAltName: e.PilotSubjectAltName,
            MixerSubjectAltName: e.MixerSubjectAltName,
            LocalEnv:            os.Environ(),
            NodeIPs:             e.NodeIPs,
            PodName:             e.PodName,
            PodNamespace:        e.PodNamespace,
            PodIP:               e.PodIP,
            SDSUDSPath:          e.SDSUDSPath,
            SDSTokenPath:        e.SDSTokenPath,
            STSPort:             e.STSPort,
            ControlPlaneAuth:    e.ControlPlaneAuth,
            DisableReportCalls:  e.DisableReportCalls,
            OutlierLogPath:      e.OutlierLogPath,
            PilotCertProvider:   e.PilotCertProvider,
        if err != nil {
            log.Errora("Failed to generate bootstrap config: ", err)
            os.Exit(1) // Prevent infinite loop attempting to write the file, let k8s/systemd report
        fname = out
    args := e.args(fname, epoch, istioBootstrapOverrideVar.Get())
    log.Infof("Envoy command: %v", args)

    cmd := exec.Command(e.Config.BinaryPath, args...)
    cmd.Stdout = os.Stdout
    cmd.Stderr = os.Stderr
    if err := cmd.Start(); err != nil {
        return err
    done := make(chan error, 1)
    go func() {
        done <- cmd.Wait()
    //等待 abort channel 和 done,用于结束 Envoy 和正确返回当前的启动状态
    select {
    case err := <-abort:
        log.Warnf("Aborting epoch %d", epoch)
        if errKill := cmd.Process.Kill(); errKill != nil {
            log.Warnf("killing epoch %d caused an error %v", epoch, errKill)
        return err
    case err := <-done:
        return err





func (a *agent) Run(ctx context.Context) error {
    log.Info("Starting proxy agent")
    for {
        select {
        //如果 proxy-Envoy 的状态发生了变化
        case status := <-a.statusCh:
            if status.err != nil {
                if status.err.Error() == errOutOfMemory {
                    log.Warnf("Envoy may have been out of memory killed. Check memory usage and limits.")
                log.Errorf("Epoch %d exited with error: %v", status.epoch, status.err)
            } else {
                log.Infof("Epoch %d exited normally", status.epoch)
            //删除当前 epoch 对应的配置文件
            delete(a.activeEpochs, status.epoch)

            active := len(a.activeEpochs)

            if active == 0 {
                log.Infof("No more active epochs, terminating")
                return nil



func WaitSignalFunc(cancel func()) {
    sigs := make(chan os.Signal, 1)
    signal.Notify(sigs, syscall.SIGINT, syscall.SIGTERM)
    _ = log.Sync()


func (a *agent) Run(ctx context.Context) error { 
    for {
        select {
        //如果 proxy-Envoy 的状态发生了变化
        case status := <-a.statusCh:
        case <-ctx.Done():
            log.Info("Agent has successfully terminated")
            return nil

func (a *agent) terminate() {
    log.Infof("Agent draining Proxy")
    e := a.proxy.Drain()
    if e != nil {
        log.Warnf("Error in invoking drain listeners endpoint %v", e)
    log.Infof("Graceful termination period is %v, starting...", a.terminationDrainDuration)
    log.Infof("Graceful termination period complete, terminating remaining proxies.")


var errAbort = errors.New("epoch aborted")

func (a *agent) abortAll() {
    defer a.mutex.Unlock()
    for epoch, abortCh := range a.activeEpochs {
        log.Warnf("Aborting epoch %d...", epoch)
        abortCh <- errAbort
    log.Warnf("Aborted all epochs")


func (e *envoy) Run(config interface{}, epoch int, abort <-chan error) error {
    //等待 abort channel 和 done,用于结束 Envoy 和正确返回当前的启动状态
    select {
    case err := <-abort:
        log.Warnf("Aborting epoch %d", epoch)
        if errKill := cmd.Process.Kill(); errKill != nil {
            log.Warnf("killing epoch %d caused an error %v", epoch, errKill)
        return err
    case err := <-done:
        return err





